Assertion's New Technology, TrustBot Set to Revolutionize Enterprise Compliance

Assertion, a software startup company has launched a major new technology named TrustBot,  a sophisticated automation engine to help enterprises realize continuous and comprehensive compliance. Experts pointed out that automation is the only solution for effective security and compliance and TrustBot can automate compliance assessments through technology and process controls.

The current manual compliance processes are error-prone, sampling based, tedious, time-consuming and costly resulting in significant amount of lapses. Interestingly, banks have paid over $321 billion in fines over the last seven years. TrustBots can negate this by integrating with all the software applications and other data sources like documents at an enterprise, understand the data and provide compliance assessment.

Srinivasan Narayanan, Founder & CEO, Assertion, says, “A TrustBot is designed to completely automate a regulation, standard or any authority document. The compliance industry is flooded with piecemeal automation solutions that are all about repackaging and repurposing the same software. This has left enterprises weary of automation software since they have rarely delivered on their promise. TrustBots have been designed ground-up keeping the user at the front and center.”

Founded in 2014, Assertion was built by senior ex-Avaya employees, the leading communication solutions provider in the world. The core team of Assertion has over 20 patents and a cumulative experience in the software industry for over 150 years. It is an innovative disruptor in the automation space and it is used for compliance automation of voice infrastructure at world’s top BFSI enterprises, also it India’s only toll compliance automation product, a unique offering.

Sreekanth Nemani, Lead Business Architect & Product Manager, Assertion, says, “An enterprise wanting to enhance their compliance through automation can pick from Assertion’s library of TrustBots - one for each regulation. We have TrustBots for some of the most common compliance needs like GDPR, SOC 2, OSP and more. For TrustBots that are not yet in our library, we can build one on our unique compliance automation platform. We also build TrustBots to automate internal policy documents of an enterprise”.

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